
Types, characteristics, and operations of straightening machines

Posted by: zida    Posted by: zida2022-02-11


The main function of a straightening machine is to straighten bent or irregular profiles to form regular new materials. Generally, the materials targeted include building materials, special steel, non-ferrous metals, and non-ferrous metals. So, sometimes the industry also directly distinguishes the type of straightening machine based on different materials.
High quality straightening machinery must have the most basic characteristics: stable performance, small cutting error, low energy consumption, and low failure rate. These are all very important for a straightening machine equipment, directly related to the lifespan of the equipment.
In addition, there are also many requirements for the operation of the straightening machine. For different materials, appropriate straightening blocks, pulleys, and transmission speeds can be selected. If there is a significant deviation after the straightening operation, the limit switch or fixed length plate can be adjusted until it is suitable. Also, it is not allowed to stack objects on the machinery to prevent mechanical vibration objects from falling into the body. Safety issues should still be placed in the most important position, and unrelated personnel must stay away during the entire operation of the machinery.

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